The “good” old days?
The “good” old days?

The “good” old days?

Episode 9: Past simple vs used to vs would: repetitions and comparison with now )
(Photo by Johnny Cohen )

We talk about the past all the time; it is was has formed our character and beliefs. Of course, we are all the time trying to become better people, right? Right?!

Anyway, things that we have experienced, things we used to do, and how we would spend our time have made us who we are now. Personally, I am very interested in hearing people’s stories. It helps me understand them better, and if they are my students, it gives me material to make it easier for them to learn.

Would you like to hear a bit of mine? Would you like to share your story with me? Let’s learn how with this episode.

Turn the CC on to see the transcript as you listen!

Do the exercises here and here to get some more practice.

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