Can you prove it?
Can you prove it?

Can you prove it?

(Episode 2: “Will” vs “Going to” for predictions. Part 2)
(Photo by Sincerely Media)

How good are you at predicting the future? Do you like daydreaming? Do you use “will” or “be going to” when you do that? If you don’t know, or if you are not sure, come with me and I will give you guideposts to choose correctly every time, and that’s a promise!

In this episode, we are going to look at how we predict the future and what reasons we have. Some people make a living predicting the future, right? Stockbrokers and fortune-tellers are two examples. Which one do you think will say “You are going to be rich!”? And why? To a customer, does that make any difference? You bet it does! If you listen to this episode, you will find out why!

Turn the CC on to see the transcript as you listen!

Wanna test yourself? See how you do here.

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