Still? Or, is it over now?
Still? Or, is it over now?

Still? Or, is it over now?

(Episode 11: Present Perfect vs Past simple. Part 2: For and Since.)
(Photo by Nathan Dumlao )

Present perfect vs past simple is one of the scariest parts of English structure for all students. But really, it doesn’t have to be. It’s simple. Take a look:

(In 2021:)

  1. “I have lived here since 2016.”
  2. “I lived here for almost 5 years.”
  3. “I lived here since 2016”
  4. “I have lived here for 5 almost years.”

    Which sentence is wrong?

    Which two sentences have the same meaning?

    If you are unsure, come listen to this episode and practice with me. I promise you’ll be using them accurately almost immediately, you’ll get lots of practice (especially if you listen more than once!), and you’ll learn how to practice on your own.
Turn the CC on to see the transcript as you listen!

See if you have learned everything here, and here.

Did you have a problem with the exercises? Leave a comment under this post, or ask me.

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